Frequently Asked Questions


What is EFT?

EFT is a self-help therapy which can help with a huge number of issues, The user lightly taps on certain acupuncture points on the hands and face whilst thinking about the problem and/or repeating a phrase. 

What is the basis of EFT?

EFT works by finding out the root cause of the problem and calming the nervous system thereby allowing the body to calm down even when the mind is overwhelmed.

Are the results permanent?

That depends. We have seen tapping provide relief for 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 months, and forever. No two problems
are alike.  

The amount of healing that is provided by tapping is in direct proportion to how much of the problem we can tune into at any given time. Some issues have many aspects to them. At this moment we might only be aware of one or two of these aspects. This is where we can do work right away. At a later date we might find other aspects of the same issue to address. 

This does not mean that tapping didn’t work. It just means there is still more work to do. 

Tapping is a great tool for providing temporary relief. Every time we create relief in the moment, we are making progress on the issue as a whole and how it will affect us in the future. 

Just remember, any progress we make, no matter how small, is progress towards a healthier self. Using EFT we are doing this in a way that does not require any surgery or drugs. 

What can it be used for?

It can be used for pretty much anything, from fears and phobias to stress, physical issues and cravings/addictions.

Can it be used for physical issues?

Research tells us that Distress can lead to physical
symptoms including headachesupset stomach,
elevated blood pressurechest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases. EFT is used to calm the stress centre and consequently decreases the physical symptoms. 

Can I do it on myself?

EFT is a self-help technique, we therefore encourage people to practice on themselves as much as possible. The more you practice EFT, the better  you get at it, we would recommend that you attend a EFT International Level 1 Course for use on yourself, friends and family. 

How was it discovered?

It was discovered by a psychologist, Dr Roger Callahan in the 1980’s when he was trying to help a patient Mary, with her water phobia.

How long does it take to work?

EFT works immediately and has a long term consequences, as you will learn technique you can use it as your tool to work with issues which may occur in the future.

Can it be used on children?

Yes children respond very well to EFT and can be taught to tap on themselves to calm their emotions.