“When I was introduced to tapping I fell in love with it within minutes and have never stopped using the technique since.
Can I promise you inner peace and happiness?“
Let’s find out ……
Imagine your life being a river...
...and you are paddling on that river in your lovely little boat.
Now, imagine the negative emotions to be a floating debris on your river, sometimes small and sometimes big.
To start with you confidently collect most the debris from the river and put it on your boat, sometimes you collide with it but continue floating through.
Over the years there is more debris in the river and the ballast often makes your boat a little more heavy and unsteady.
Then there are times in your life that there is more and more debris and although you are doing your best to pick up and store on your boat or skilfully avoid it altogether , these floating obstructions start to compile and you have a big block ahead of you.
What if I can tell you there is almost a magical tool right at the tip
of your fingers that will allow you not just to pick up the debris from the river ahead of you but most importantly get rid of all you ballast from the past and simply restore The Flow of Your Life again?
Would you like it?
“Click below to watch my video where I explain what EFT is and share with you how to use it so you can start using it today.
And then come back over here so I can tell you want next.”
Great, you’re back..!
A little bit about my approach to EFT.
“I believe we all should know about it and we all should be using it, we are all entitled to this wonderful tool and I am fully dedicated to sharing with You.”
The last couple of years and hundreds hours of using EFT on my clients and myself allowed me to develop my unique approach to EFT.
We often reach for EFT when there is a blockage of your life flow, where there is a blockage on your river. And we have to simply unblock this immediately.
We then move to looking at the emotional ballast that we carry in our boat, and this is more in depth way of working with EFT ,often requires a little bit more time and attention.
And then we are equipped to use EFT as an everyday tool to cleanse all the debris on the river, and we just need a little bit of motivation or guidance.
Are you ready to try what
EFT can do for you?
Below you’ll find 3 printable scripts, use them to start your
EFT practice.
Share with me the results of your tapping on Instagram (@agakehinde) and even more I would love to see you joining me and our tapping community Tapping Hub.